We are a grassroots organization of women in northeastern Pennsylvania. We have formed to preserve the dignity and human rights of all people, especially women, from potential policies and practices of elected and appointed officials who appear to have a very different worldview from ours.
Our first meeting was held on December 13, 2016, convened by founding members Stephanie Bressler, Jean Harris, Jan Kelly and Annette Palutis. The letter of invitation (below) was sent to women in our personal communities.
We were heartened that more than 50 women showed up at that first meeting at the Scranton Club. The number of attendees doubled for the February meeting. Heading into spring, and only three months old, Progressive Women of NEPA grew to more than 230 members.
In mid 2018, we re-focused our energy to concentrate on the recruitment, training and funding of progressive women candidates in NEPA. As a state registered political action committee (PAC), we can work on behalf of candidates on the state and local levels (county commissioner, DA, mayor, borough council, school boards, etc,) of government. We are the only organization of its kind in NEPA.
Progressive Women of NEPA makes strategic investments in qualified women candidates in order to change the face of government, one seat at a time. We raise money through events, membership and donations. We recruit potential candidates from our membership and their extensive local networks.
If you would like to help us in our mission, please join us!
That inspired the movement
November 22, 2016
Dear Friend:
We have spoken to many women in the aftermath of the election who are fearful of the direction our country may take on serious issues like health care, civil liberties, social justice, the environment and political civility.
Although fear can be paralyzing, this is not the time for progressive thinkers to wallow silently in defeat. It’s time to organize and strategize. Thankfully that is happening on many fronts!
Groups like Pantsuit Nation are creating virtual communities of like-minded people across our country. The Women’s Marches on Washington and Philadelphia will be held on January 21, 2017.
And a group of “nasty women” is meeting at 5:30pm, Tuesday, December 13, at The Scranton Club, 404 N. Washington, Scranton, to begin a conversation about the role women can play in government as candidates, activists, organizers, diligent observers, and volunteers.
Given the misogynistic undercurrent of this election, women, especially, need to step forward at this critical juncture for our nation. Building alliances and coalitions through networking can create powerful momentum to resist policies that would take our country backwards.
Join us. Fight back! Please send this invitation to other women who should be involved in this NEPA initiative.